73 year-old male with past medical/surgical history significant for cervical spondylosis and chronic kidney disease (eGFR:30, stage 3) without medical follow-up presented as a referral from outside hospital for evaluation of dysphagia. Symptoms started 1 year ago, without exacerbating or relieving factors, and associated with both liquid and solid food intake. Patient also experienced retro-sternal compression pain that might persist up to 4 hours. There was no radiation pain, exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, heartburn, or fever.
Symptomatic treatments were provided, and patient initially reported a improvement of symptoms.
However, patient's symptoms worsened in recent two months, associated with body weight loss of 4~5 kilograms over two months and vomiting with/without oral intake. He was transferred to our hospital for further evaluation and management. Social history is significant for smoking 3PPD/day for 40+ years (quit for one year) and occasional alcohol consumption.
Vital signs: Body temperature: 36.9C, Pulse rate: 79/min, Respiratory rate: 20/min, Blood pressure: 105/70mmHg. Body weight: 55.6 Kilograms, body height: 162.6cm. BMI:21. Consciousness: alert and oriented. Physical examination: anicteric sclera, no palpable lymph nodes over neck and axilla, Chest: symmetric chest expansion, bilateral clear vesical breathing sound, Abdomen: soft and flat, normal active bowel sound, no abdominal tenderness, no rebounding paiN. Extremities: no legs pitting edema. Lab data: As (table 1). EKG (figure 1) showed sinus bradycardia (57/min). CXR (figure 2) showed bilateral mild increased infiltration and no cardiomegaly. Which diagnosis do you think of?
HB |
PT |
aPTT |
5680 |
11.7 |
92.5 |
197k |
10 |
28.3 |
0.98 |
12 |
Crea |
Na |
K |
Troponin-I |
1.7 |
138 |
3.8 |
<0.001 |
義大醫院‧總機電話:07-615-0011‧07-952-0011 地址:82445高雄市燕巢區角宿里義大路1號
語音‧人工掛號專線:07-615-0900‧07-615-0911 週一至週五 07:30~16:30 週六 07:30~11:30
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