華山論劍-專業案例挑戰/Case 2015-008 

華山論劍-專業案例挑戰/Case 2015-008

Date: 30 Sep. posted by 徐銘宏/曾政豪/張吉仰醫師 Revised: 陳志城醫師學術天地

One 43-year-old man with epigastric pain, heartburn, followed by tarry stools for 2 days

The 43-year-old man has histories chronic hepatitis B associated hepatocellular carcinoma and tongue cancer. For HCCs treatment, he had received partial hepatectomy and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization at other hospital.

Two days prior to this admission, he received second course of TACE at other hospital and was started on NSAID for pain control. But epigastric pain, heartburn, and anorexia progressed after discharge Even more, massive tarry stool occurred with dizziness. Hence, he was sent to our MER for help.

His initial vital signs showed TPR: 36.1/115/18 with BP: 79/48 mmHg. Initial Hb level was 3.8g/dL. He received emergent transfusion with packed RBC 8units. Urgent EGD study showed gastric ulcers with pigmented spots (Forrest IIc), but no active bleeder was found. After high dose PPI therapy for 3 days, second look EGD was arranged and showed as following images and clips.

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