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  • 義大癌治療醫院

(The application has to be three months prior to the planned date)。


一、 代訓醫務人員申請程序




  • 代訓三個月以下者,於到訓前兩個月提出申請;代訓三個月以上者,於到訓前三個月提出申請;外籍人士申請時間應加計一倍時間提出。
  • 請 貴院發函並請人員至線上登入個人履歷資料
    (路徑:至https://employee.edah.org.tw/Home/Intern 點選「代訓醫務人員」填寫「線上登入個人履歷資料」)
  • 列印代訓醫務人員申請表
  • 備妥一吋照片一張、畢業證書影本、身分證正反面影本、在職證明。醫師-醫師證書影本、專科及次專科醫師證書影本;其他人員-醫事人員證書影本。
  • 因應新冠病毒疫情,敬請代訓人員應於到院前繳交接種3劑滿14天疫苗小黃卡,未施打者於報到時繳交當日抗原快篩(含家用)陰性證明。
  • 請於來院前一個月,將申請表與應備資料,郵寄至本院醫教部(信封上註明代訓人員申請)。
  • 報到當天應繳資料:報備同意函、三個月內體檢報告(含一般例行性檢查、胸部X光、B型肝炎抗原抗體檢查)。
  • 相關細節可洽蘇育萱小姐 076150011#1608

二、 國外學生、外籍人士申請程序(foreign student/Visiting scholar/Fellow)


申請人須具備有中文或英文溝通能力The candidate must be able to communicate fluently in Chinese or in English.

► International Medical Student 外籍國外醫學生(或就讀國外醫學系之台灣學生)


  • A. The student must be a currently duly enrolled medical student in a fully accredited medical school in his/her own country and must be in the senior year of medical school with sufficient experience of clinical clerkship in his/her school.
  • B. The student must have a written letter of approval from the dean of his/her affiliated medical school.
  • C. Those students who reach the grade of clerkship training in the respective medical institution may be allowed to train in the respective medical department. ( ie. the fifth year and the sixth year student of the School of Medicine and the third year and a fourth-year student of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine)

► Foreign Medical Specialists/外籍醫療工作者


  • A. Conferment of basic medical degree (e.g. MBBS or equivalent).
  • B. Registration with ministry or relevant licensing authority for practicing medicine.
  • C. with 1 year of relevant clinical working experience after attainment of postgraduate qualification
  • D. must get the approval by Ministry of Health and Welfare, ROC. (we will submit your application to Ministry of Health and Welfare, ROC)


(The application has to be three months prior to the planned date)。

If you are the …

► International Medical Student 外籍國外醫學生(或就讀國外醫學系之台灣學生)

  • 個人履歷(personal CV)
  • 護照或身分證影本 (the copy of passport or ID card of Taiwan, ROC)
  • 在學證明及推薦信(the enrollment certificate and recommend letters.)
  • 照片(headshot)
  • 六個月內健康檢查報告(含一般例行性檢查、胸部X光、B型肝炎抗原抗體檢查、MMR、水痘),若無B肝/MMR/水痘抗體,則須提供疫苗注射證明(including basic examination, Health examination report within six months (including basic examination, chest X-ray, Measles/Mumps/Rubella(MMR), Varicella zoster Virus Antibody, HBs Ag, HBs Ab test ) ;if no hepatitis B / MMR / Varicella antibody, then proof of vaccination must be provided.)

► Foreign Medical Specialists/外籍醫療工作者

  • 個人履歷(personal CV)
  • 護照或身分證影本 (the copy of passport or ID card of Taiwan, ROC)
  • 畢業證書(the copy of diploma)
  • 執業執照(medical license)
  • 至少一年以上的在職證明the employment certificates [After the license is acquired, you must have clinical service at least one full year.]
  • 進修計畫書,內容包含進修目的、起迄時間、科別、進修項目(training plan)
  • 照片(digital photographs)
  • 六個月內健康檢查報告(含一般例行性檢查、胸部X光、B型肝炎抗原抗體檢查、MMR、水痘、梅毒血清),若無B肝/MMR/水痘抗體,則須提供疫苗注射證明(Health examination report within six months (including basic examination, Health examination report within six months (including basic examination, chest X-ray, Measles/Mumps/Rubella(MMR), Varicella zoster Virus Antibody, Syphilis serum, HBs Ag, HBs Ab test ) ;if no hepatitis B / MMR / Varicella antibody, then proof of vaccination must be provided.)

此外,外國醫事人員或外國醫學生來台進修期間之旅行醫療保險,由外國醫事人員或醫學生自費辦理,於其母國進行投保, 保險理賠額度至少新台幣 100 萬元為宜,並提供證明文件予本院。 In addition, foreign medical specialists or foreign medical students are required to purchase travel medical insurance in their home country at their own expense for the period of training in Taiwan. The insurance coverage should be at least USD 31,500. Please submit the relevant certificates to E-DA Hospital.

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