華山論劍-專業案例挑戰/Case 2015-005 The answer 

華山論劍-專業案例挑戰/Case 2015-005

Date: 5 Apr. posted by 陳子皓/蔡英楠/王文倫/張吉仰/牟聯瑞醫師學術天地

Answer of Case 2015-005

Clinical Course:

Colonoscopy showed one mass-like lesion with ulcer overlying and edematous small intestinal mucosa at ascending colon. Biopsies from the ulcer and edematous small bowel mucosa were done. The patient received laparoscopic operation because of suspected intussusception and progressed symptoms. Reduction of ileocecal intussusception and incidental appendectomy were performed successfully. The pathological reports of the ulcer and appendix both revealed follicular lymphoma, Grade 3B.

PET showed lymphoma of multiple sites at both sides of diaphragm

Final Diagnosis:

Cecal follicular lymphoma with ileocecal intussusception