國外學生、外籍人士申請程序 (Application for Foreign Student/Visiting Scholar/Fellow)
- 請於來院前三個月提出申請 (The application has to be three months prior to the planned date.)。
- 請外籍人員至線上登錄個人資料履歷 (Please login to apply online via this link.)
- 備妥下列資料後,寄至下列信箱: (Please attach photocopies of the following documents to this e-mail address.)
- 請檢附個人履歷 (Please attach a copy of CV.)
- 請檢附護照或身分證影本 (Please attach a photocopy of passport or ID card.)
- 請檢附畢業證書及專業證照證書影本 (Please attach a photocopy of diploma and related license or certificates, such as medical license.)
- 請檢附進修計畫書,內容包含進修目的、起迄時間、科別、進修項目 (Please attach a training plan.)
- 請檢附一年以上之在職證明 (Please attach a verification of employment. [After the license is acquired, you must have clinical service at least for one full year.])
- 如仍在學,請檢附在學證明及推薦信 (If you are a medical student, please attach a verification of enrollment and three letters of recommendation.)
- 在台灣以外取得的證書及重要文件需先翻譯成中文或英文,再經台灣大使館、台灣領事館、或台灣經貿辦事處認證。(Documents, including the related verifications that are issued outside of Taiwan, must be translated into Chinese or English and certified by the ROC Embassy, Consulate, or Trade Office abroad.)
若您有任何問題,請寄到下列信箱,我們會盡快處裡。(If you have any questions, please e-mail us. We will respond in a timely manner.)