醫師 吳青芳


現任 義大癌治療醫院 腎臟科 科主任
   義守大學醫學系 部定助理教授

怡仁診所 主治醫師
台大醫院 腎臟科 住院總醫師
台大醫院 內科 住院醫師
義大醫院 腎臟 主治醫師



    Tumor immunology

    1.        Andzinski L, Kasnitz N, Stahnke S, Wu CF, Gereke M, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Schilling B, Brandau S, Weiss S, Jablonska J. Type I IFNs induce anti-tumor polarization of tumor associated neutrophils in mice and human. International Journal of Cancer (2016) 138(8): 1982-93.

    2.        Wu CF, Andzinski L (co-first author), Kasnitz N, Kröger A, Klawonn F, Linienklaus S, Weiss S, Jablonska J. The lack of type I interferon induces neutrophil-mediated pre-metastatic niche formation in the mouse lung. International Journal of Cancer (2015) 137(4): 837-47.

    3.        Andzinski L, Wu CF (co-first author), Linienklaus S, Kröger A, Weiss S, Jablonska J. Delayed apoptosis of tumor associated neutrophils in the absence of endogenous IFN-β. International Journal of Cancer (2014). 136(3): 572-83.

    4.        Jablonska J, Wu CF, Andzinski L, Leschner S, Weiss S. CXCR2-mediated tumor-associated neutrophil recruitment is regulated by IFN-β. International Journal of Cancer (2014). 134(6): 1346-58.

    5.        Viegas N, Andzinski L, Wu CF, Komoll RM, Gekara N, Dittmar KE, Weiss S, Jablonska J. IFN-γ production by CD27+ NK cells exacerbates Listeria monocytogenes infection in mice by inhibiting granulocyte mobilization. European Journal of Immunology (2013). 43(10): 2626-37



    1.        Wu CF, Lee YF, Lee WJ, Su CT, Lee LJ, Wu KD, Chen PC, Kao TW. Severe Aortic Arch Calcification Predicts Mortality in Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis. J Formos Med Assoc (2017) 116(5): 366-72

    2.        Lee YC, Hung SY, Wang HH, Wang HK, Lin CW, Chang MY, Ho LC, Chen YT, Wu CF, Chen HC, Wang WM, Sung JM, Chiou YY, Lin SH. Different Risk of Common Gastrointestinal Disease Between Groups Undergoing Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis or With Non-End Stage Renal Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore) (2015). 94(36): e1482

    3.        Lee YC, Hung SY, Liou HH, Lin TM, Tsai CH, Lin SH, Tsai YS, Chang MY, Wang HH, Ho LC, Chen YT, Wu CF, Chen HC, Chen HP, Liu KW, Chen CI, She KM, Wang HK, Lin CW, Chiou YY. Vitamin D can ameliorate chlorhexidine gluconate-induced peritoneal fibrosis and functional deterioration through the inhibition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of mesothelial cells. Biomed Res Int (2015). 2015:595030.

    4.        Wu CF, Chiang WC, Lai CF, Chang FC, Chen YT, Chou YH, Wu TH, Linn GR, Ling H, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Chen YM, Duffield JS, Lin SL. Transforming growth factor β-1 stimulates profibrotic epithelial signaling to activate pericyte-myofibroblast transition in obstructive kidney fibrosis. Am J Pathol (2013). 182(1): 118-31.

    5.        Chen YT, Chang FC, Wu CF, Chou YH, Hsu HL, Chiang WC, Shen J, Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS, Lin SL. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling activates pericyte-myofibroblast transition in obstructive and post-ischemic kidney fibrosis. Kidney Int (2011). 80(11): 1170-81.

    6.        Lin SL, Chang FC, Schrimpf C, Chen YT, Wu CF, Wu VC, Chiang WC, Kuhnert F, Kuo CJ, Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS. Targeting endothelium-pericyte cross talk by inhibiting VEGF receptor signaling attenuates kidney microvascular rarefaction and fibrosis. Am J Pathol (2011). 178(2): 911-23.

    7.        Tsai CW, Kuo CC, Wu CF, Chien KL, Wu VC, Chen MF, Sung FC, Su TC. Associations of renal vascular resistance with albuminuria in adolescents and young adults. Nephol Dial Transplant (2011). 26(12): 3943-9.

    8.        Kuo CC, Wu CF, Huang CC, Lee YJ, Lin WC, Tsai CW, Wu VC, Chen YM, Wu MS, Chu TS, Wu KD. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: critical analysis of 30 patients. Int Urol Nephol (2011). 43(1): 15-22.

    9.        Wu CF, Huang CC, Kuo CC, Wu CH, Kao TW. Anatomic anomaly in renal blunt trauma. CMAJ (2010). 182(4): 383

    10.    Wu CF, Huang JW. [Indoxyl Sulfate and Its Absorbent AST-120]. Biomedicine (2009). 2(1): 42-6 (article in Chinese)

    11.    Wu CF, Wu KD. [Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy and Its Assessment]. Kidney and Dialysis R.O.C. (2009). 21(4): 211-213 (article in Chinese)