洪士元 副院長

現任 義大醫院 內科副院長
   義守大學 學士後醫學系 部定教授
   台灣腎臟醫學會 腎臟專科指導醫師

國立陽明醫學大學 醫學士
高雄市立民生醫院 腎臟科 主任
高雄榮民總醫院 腎臟科 主治醫師
國防醫學院 醫學系 臨床兼任講師


Publications in Journals

    1. Lee YC, Hung SY, Wang HK, Lin CW, Wang HH, Chen SW, Chang MY, Ho LC, Chen YT, Liou HH, Tsai TC, Tseng SH, Wang WM, Lin SH, Chiou YY. Sleep Apnea and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Sleep. 2014 Nov 20. pii: sp-00494-13. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI)
    2. Ho LC, Sung JM, Tsai YS, Wang HH, Li YC, Chen YT, Chang MY, Hung SY (Correspondence). Cystatin C as a Predictor for Outcomes in Patients with Negligible Renal Function. Blood Purif. 2014 Oct 17;38(2):81-88. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI)
    3. Chang MY, Tsai BM, Hung SY, Wang HH, Lee YJ, Ho LC, Chen YT. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in an adult with nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology (Carlton). 2014 Aug;19(8):514-5. (SCI)
    4. Hung SY, Lin TM, Chang MY, Wang HH, Lee YC, Ho LC, Chen YT, Hung CM, Liou HH. Risk factors of sensitization to human leukocyte antigen in end-stage renal disease patients. Hum Immunol. 2014 Jun; 75(6): 531-5. 2014 Mar 6. pii: S0198-8859(14)00094-9. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2014.02.024. [Epub ahead of print]. (SCI)
    5. 白玉玲、洪士元、丘周萍. 血液透析患者血管通路的管理與教育. 護理雜誌2014; 61(1): 93-98.
    6. Lee YC, Tsai YS, Hung SY, Lin TM, Lin SH, Liou HH, Liu HC, Chang MY, Wang HH, Ho LC, Chen YT, Chen HP, Fan HA, Liu KW, Kung YT, Wang HK, Chiou YY. Shorter daily dwelling time in peritoneal dialysis attenuates the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of mesothelial cells. BMC Nephrol. 2014 Feb 20;15(1):35. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI)
    7. Lee YC, Wang JS, Shiang JC, Tsai MK, Deng KT, Chang MY, Wang HH, Ho LC, Chen YT, Hung SY (Correspondence). Haemolytic uremic syndrome following fire ant bites. BMC Nephrol. 2014 Jan 8;15(1):5. doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-15-5. (SCI)
    8. Wang HH, Hung SY, Sung JM, Hung KY, Wang JD. Risk of Stroke in Long-term Dialysis Patients Compared With the General Population. Am J Kidney Dis. 2014; 63(4):604-611 (SCI)
    9. Ho LC, Huang CK, Chen HY, Wang HH, Chang MY, Li YJ, Chen YT, Hung SY (Correspondence). Early changes of renal function and hemodynamics in obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery. Acta Nephrologica (TSN) 2013 Sep, 27(3): 142-150.
    10. Teng HL, Yen M, Fetzer S, Sung JM, Hung SY. Effects of targeted interventions on lifestyle modifications of chronic kidney disease patients: randomized controlled trial. West J Nurs Res. 2013 Oct;35(9):1107-27. (SCI)
    11. 白玉玲、王魯梅、洪士元、丘周萍. 運動對老年糖尿病患者的健康效益. 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 2012; 11(3), 1-7.
    12. 江慧珣、梁靜祝、洪士元、丘周萍. 慢性腎病專科護理師之角色功能與未來展望. 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,2012; 11(2), 1-8.
    13. Hung YM, Lin SL, Hung SY, Huang WC, Wang PY. Preventing radiocontrast-induced nephropathy in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing coronary angiography. World J Cardiol. 2012 May 26;4(5):157-72.
    14. 白玉玲、 盧永川、 洪士元、 丘周萍. 末期腎病患者足部問題評估與護理. 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌, 2012; 11(1), 11-18.
    15. Wang LM, Hung SY, Chiou CP. Behavior Modification Therapy: Application in Renal Nursing. Hu Li Za Zhi. 2011 Apr;58(2):10-15. Chinese.
    16. Wu CC, Liou HH, Su PF, Chang MY, Wang HH, Chen MJ, Hung SY(Correspondence). Abdominal obesity is the most significant metabolic syndrome component predictive of cardiovascular events in chronic hemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Nov, 26(12): 3689-95 (SCI)
    17. Lee YJ, Chang MY, Wang HH, Ho LC, Chen IT, Hung SY(Correspondence). Uncertain renoprotective effect of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent in predialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica (TSN) 2010 Apr-Jun, 24(2): 93-100.
    18. Tsai HJ, Tsai AC, Hung SY, Chang MY. Comparing the predictive ability of population-specific Mini-Nutritional Assessment with Subjective Global Assessment for patients with hemodialysis: A cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011 Mar; 48(3): 326–332. (SCI)
    19. Chang MY, Wang HH, Lee YJ, Hung SY (Correspondence). Quiz page. Crusted scabies in a patient with CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Mar; 55(3):A33-5. (SCI)
    20. Hung SY, Liou HH, Ger LP, Chen LK, Liu MC, Chung HM, Chou KJ, Chen TH, Lin CK, Yang Y. Clustering of Unconventional Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Taiwanese Hemodialysis Patients. Am J Nephrol. 2009 Sep; 30(3):222-231. (SCI)
    21. Chang MY, Chen MJ, Wu CC, Wang YT, Wang HH, Huang LY, Hung SY (Correspondence). Evaluation of dietary and nutritional imbalance in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica (TSN) 2009, 23(3): 138-142.
    22. Hung SY, Liou HH, Ger LP, & the A-CARD study group: Chen LK, Liu MC, Chung HM, Chou KJ, Chen TH, Lin CK, Yang Y, Chang WH, Chen HH, Hsieh FK, Liu CL, Lu ST, Shen HM, Tsai MH. Novel risk factors of coronary heart disease in chronic hemodialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica (TSN) 2008 Jun; 22(2): 97-104.
    23. Weng HC, Chen HC, Chen HJ, Lu K, Hung SY. Doctors' emotional intelligence and the patient-doctor relationship. Med Educ. 2008 Jul; 42(7):703-11. (SCI)
    24. Wu CY, Hung SY, Su YT, Chang HC, Yu TJ. De novo urothelial carcinoma in a pediatric recipient of living donor kidney graft. Pediatr Transplant. 2007 Nov; 11(7):811-3. (SCI)
    25. Hung YM, Chou KJ, Hung SY, Chung HM, Chang JC. De novo malignancies after kidney transplantation. Urology. 2007 Jun; 69(6):1041-4. (SCI)
    26. Hung YM, Hung SY, Olson KR, Chou KJ, Lin SL, Chung HM, Tung CN, Chang JC. Yam bean seed poisoning mimicking cyanide intoxication. Intern Med J. 2007 Feb; 37(2):130-2. (SCI)
    27. Huang NC, Hung YM, Lin SL, Wann SR, Hsu CW, Ger LP, Hung SY, Chung HM, Yeh JH. Further Evidence of the Usefulness of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Scoring System in Acute Paraquat Poisoning. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2006; 44(2):99-102.(SCI)
    28. Hung YM, Hung SY, Chou KJ, Huang NC, Tung CN, Hwang DF, Chung HM. Persistent bradycardia caused by ciguatoxin poisoning after barracuda fish eggs ingestion in southern Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2005 Dec; 73(6):1026-1027. (SCI)
    29. Hsu CY, Hung SY (Correspondence), Fan HC, Chou KJ, Chung HM. Combining Intravenous Cefepime and Percutaneous Cyst Drainage to Treat Quinolone-Resistant Escherchia. coli Cyst Infection in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Dialysis & Transplantation 2005 Feb 34 (2):105-110. (SCI)
    30. Hung YM, Hung GC, Hsu PI, Hung SY, Chou KJ, Chung HM. Short-term survival advantage after plasma exchange in the treatment of acute on chronic liver failure or acute liver failure. Clinical Intensive Care, 2004 Jun-Sep; 15 (2-3): 93-99. (IM)
    31. Hung SY, Hung YM, Fang HC, Yeh JH, Hung GC, Wu CJ, Chou KJ, Chung HM. Cardiac Troponin I and Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme in Patients with Intradialytic Hypotension. Blood Purification 2004 Jun; 22:338-343. (SCI)
    32. Hung SY (Correspondence), Hung YM, Chiou YH, Chou KJ, Chung HM. Longitudinal changes of solute transport in peritonitis-free peritoneal dialysis patients. Artificial Organs 2004 Mar; 28(3):254-258. (SCI)
    33. Hung GC, Hung SY (Correspondence), Chou KJ, Fang HC, Hung YM, Lee PT, Chiou YH, Chung HM. Amino acids peritoneal dialysis solution administration in malnourished patients – comparison between daytime and overnight use. Dialysis & Transplantation 2004 Feb; 33(2):74-84. (SCI)
    34. Huang NC, Lin SL, Hung YM, Hung SY, Chung HM. Severity assessment in acute paraquat poisoning by analysis of APACHE II score. J Formos Med Assoc. 2003 Nov;102(11):782-7. (SCI)
    35. Fang HC, Chou KJ, Lee PT, Chiou YH, Hung SY, Chung HM. Tuberculin skin test and anergy in dialysis patients of tuberculosis endemic area. Nephron 2002 Aug; 91 (4):682-7. (SCI)
    36. Hung GC, Hung SY, Fang HC, Chung HM. Prognostic importance of incipient post-transplantation proteinuria. Acta Nephrologica (TSN) 2001(June); 15, 62-65.
    37. Hung SY, Chung HM. The Long-term Effects of Single Peritonitis Episodes on Peritoneal Equilibration Test Results in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis 2001; 17: 196-199. (IM)
    38. Hung SY, Tseng HH, Chung HM: Nephrogenic Adenoma Associated with Cytomegalovirus Infection of the Ureter in a Renal Transplant Patient: Presentation as Ureteral Obstruction. Transplant international 2001; 14: 111-114. (SCI)
    39. 洪士元 鍾孝民: 腎性貧血的最新治療趨勢。腎臟與透析雜誌 2001; 13卷第3:134-137.
    40. Hung CT, Chu Ka, Lu JY, Ting YM, Hung SY: Chronic Pulmonary Metastatic Calcification in a Long-Term Hemodialysis Patient: A Case Report. Thorac Med 1999.14: 82-8.
    41. Hung SY, Chang CT, Hung YM, Chung HM. The Clinical Experience of Higher rHuEPO Dosage in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients with EPO-Hyporesponsiveness. Acta Nephrologica (SNROC) l998; 12:107-114.
    42. 洪士元 張正宗 鍾孝民: 慢性腎衰竭病患的貧血治療。腎臟與透析雜誌 1998;第10卷第2期: 77-80.