姓名:蔡佩容  Pei-Jung Tsai    科別:護理部    論文篇數: 2

Sun FK, Hung CM, Yao Y, Fu CF, Tsai PJ, Chiang CY.The Effects of Logotherapy on Distress, Depression, and Demoralization in Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Patients: A Preliminary Study.Cancer Nurs. 2021 Jan/Feb;44(1):53-61. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000740. PMID: 31469671.2021
Pei-Jung Tsai, Cheuk-Kwan Sun, Michael Perez, Chia-Yi Tung, Yu Chang, Li-Hsiang WeiThe role of nursing in a set of newly established clinical pathways for patients undergoing minimally invasive gynecological surgery in a tertiary referral hospital setting.E-Da Medical Journal 2016;3(2):14-19.2016