姓名:李宜臻  Yi-Chen Lee    科別:營養治療科    論文篇數: 6

Pei-Chen Chen, Yi-Chen Lee, Hsing-Yu Jao, Chi-Ping Wang, Anthony Jacobs, Kevin Hu, Jordan Chen, Chien-Shen Lo, Huei-Jane Lee.Supplementation of nanofiltrated deep ocean water ameliorate the progression of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rat via regulating osteoblast differentiation [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 1].J Food Biochem. 2020;e13236. doi:10.1111/jfbc.132362020
Huang CH, Lai YC, Lee YC, Teong XT, Kuzuya M, Kuo KM.Impact of Health Literacy on Frailty among Community-Dwelling Seniors.J Clin Med. 2018 Nov 26;7(12). pii: E481. doi: 10.3390/jcm7120481.2018
Lee YC, Cheng CW, Lee HJ, Chu HC.Apple Polyphenol Suppresses Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Damage in Experimental Animals by Lowering Oxidative Stress Status and Modulating the MAPK Signaling Pathway.J Med Food. 2017 Nov;20(11):1113-1120. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2017.3951.2017
Lee YC, Cheng CW, Lee HJ, Chu HC.Apple Polyphenol Suppresses Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Damage in Experimental Animals by Lowering Oxidative Stress Status and Modulating the MAPK Signaling Pathway.J Med Food. 2017 Nov;20(11):1113-1120. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2017.3951.2017
Hung WC, Ling XH, Chang CC, Hsu HF, Wang SW, Lee YC, Luo C, Lee YT, Houng JY.Inhibitory Effects of Siegesbeckia orientalis Extracts on Advanced Glycation End Product Formation and Key Enzymes Related to Metabolic Syndrome.Molecules. 2017 Oct 21;22(10). pii: E1785. doi: 10.3390/molecules22101785.2017
Teong XT, Lee YC.Nutritional intervention plays essential role in cancer patients.E-Da Medical Journal 2016;3(4):22-27.2016